Sign up for Dog Sport & Trick Classes now
Intro to Rally Obedience:
Prerequisite – Basic Manners or equivalent. This fun class will introduce you and your dog to the quickly growing sport of Rally-O, in which a dog and handler team performs a course of obedience tasks including sits, stays, heeling, weaving through cones, and much more. Each week you will learn foundation exercises for attentive heeling, tight turns, straight sits & downs and other rally behaviors. You will also learn Novice signs and practice them in short sequences. Rally-O is a fantastic way to build on your dog’s basic manners skills in a creative and engaging way.
Rally Obedience Skills:
Prerequisite – Rally Obedience Foundation or similar. In this class, we build on your foundation by working longer sequences, introducing higher level signs and discussing what to expect in competition. As your dog becomes more reliable, you may be allowed to work off leash. Class may be repeated as sequences and challenges are different each time.
Canine Parkour:
This action-packed four-week class will teach you and your dog some of the basic exercises of Dog Parkour, a new sport that turns everyday objects, such as park benches and bike racks, into obstacles with which your dog interacts. Parkour is suitable for dogs of all abilities and can help your dog focus, burn more energy, improve leash walking skills, and build confidence. Your dog will learn how to safely jump over, crawl under, weave between, and hop inside various objects, to name a few. We will also cover the rules of the sport (according to All Dogs Parkour), plus how to submit a video for an ADP title.
Competition Obedience:
Prerequisite – Basic Manners or similar. Take your dog’s obedience to the next level in this class with Frankie Joiris of Speedoggie Performance Dog Training. Exercises will help you work towards being able to complete Competition Obedience skills including heeling, sit-stay, down-stay, retrieve, come when called and more.
Recreational Scent Work 1:
This four-week class will introduce you and your dog to the fundamentals of Scent Work, an activity that is inherently fun and challenging for all dogs. Each week, you will practice increasingly challenging searches, plus some just-for-fun scent games. By the end of the four weeks, your dog will have honed his hunting skills and built his confidence, while you will have learned valuable handling and observational skills. Dogs will be searching for primary (food) in this class. This course benefits dogs of all ages and abilities by teaching independent thinking, curbing boredom, and burning energy in a small space.
Recreational Scent Work 2:
This class builds on the foundation you developed in Recreational Scent Work 1 (or equivalent) by introducing a novel odor: birch! In this class, your dog will put his nose to use by searching for birch in a variety of challenging scenarios. This class is held indoors. Prerequisites: Recreational Scent Work 1 or instructor’s permission.
Four Paw Fitness
Four Paw Fitness is a dog specific fitness technique developed by Chris Ott and Frankie Joiris consisting of physical and mental disciplines, postures and focusing exercises for attaining control of both the canine body and mind. The program can be adapted to all dogs of any age. It’s great for NYC because you only need a small space a some balance discs.

Fever on the set of NBC’s Blacklist: Redemption
Train Like a Movie Star!:
This fun workshop will introduce you to the methods used to train many animal actors while teaching your dog some fun tricks. Have you ever watched an animal in a movie and asked yourself, “how did they do that?” Learn the answer from an experienced film & tv animal trainer, and how the same methods can make your training time fun and exciting. This action packed class is appropriate for dogs of any age and physical ability, no experience necessary. You and your dog will have a blast learning tricks that will wow your friends.
Classes are held at the Brooklyn Dog Training Center, 10 Whitwell Place