Instructors Sarah & Lindsay recently appeared on Fox & Friends to promote the AKC’s Premier Cup. Watch as their dogs Fever & Riot demonstrate some of the agility skills necessary for competition. Watch the latest video at
Blog: The Agility Life
Hank Appears in Clean Run Magazine
Clean Run Magazine is THE agility magazine in the United States. This month’s issue features a photo of my dog Hank taken at a recent trial. At 10 years old, Hank is loving the agility game more than ever and often takes the time to express his joy at the top of the A-frame. RichRead more
A Little Adjustment Goes a Long Way
Has your dog ever refused to perform what is normally a simple behavior?At our most recent agility trial, Hank refused to weave. During our first run things were going well but then we got to the weave poles. Hank tried once and popped out. I sent him in again and he really tried, but gave meRead more
Westminster Recap
Hank and I were thrilled to compete at the First Annual Master’s Agility Championship at Westminster this past Saturday. It was a very long day but it was exhilarating. This was our first high pressure trial and I was seriously nervous. I was nervous for my performance, but mostly I was scared about what HankRead more
The First Ever Masters Agility Championship at Westminster
This year the Westminster Kennel Club will host its first ever agility trial in conjunction with their 138th Annual All Breed Dog Show. Entry to the trial was open to all dogs competing at the Excellent and Masters levels in AKC. I have to assume that thousands of dogs entered to try to snag oneRead more
We All Have Setbacks
I have already told this embarrassing story in some of my classes (and this was previously published in my newsletter). Last week, I drove out to NJ for an agility run-through with Hank. A run-through is sort of a practice trial. You walk the course like you would at a trial, but you are allowedRead more
Recent Agility Run with Hank
Here is video of one the runs from my most recent trial with Hank. It’s a Jumpers with Weaves course, which means that the only obstacles on the course are jumps, tunnels and weave poles. I have found the JWW class to be more challenging than even a standard class because Hank has been aRead more
Our First Blue Ribbon!
Finally, Hank & I were able to compete 2 days in a row. Most trials happen on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Since I usually teach classes on Saturdays I have been limited to competing one day at a time. However, there was a trial earlier this month that started on a Thursday so I wasRead more
Our First Q!
I am so proud of Hank. This weekend we competed at an AKC trial in New Jersey, only our 3rd day of trialing. I was very nervous about the Jumpers with Weaves course because there was a pinwheel at the opening with lots of challenging angles. Even in Novice, if your dog drops even aRead more
Our First Trial
The day after Thanksgiving, Hank and I embarked on our first ever agility trial. I was super nervous, but thankfully I had three very supportive people there to help me. Vinny came, even though it was probably the most boring day every for him, just to keep me from totally freaking out. My teacher, FrankieRead more