Last night someone set off a series of fireworks on my block. The noise woke Hank and he hurled himself off the bed and right under it. He was stressed out for the rest of the night and spent most of it under the bed. It made me think about the laundry list of thingsRead more
Blog: Training Tips & Info
Your Dog Could Pull His Own Weight
Leaving my apartment recently, I met one of my neighbors walking his dog. I’m not usually a meet & greet type of person, but something about what was going on struck me as amazing. He had configured a cart for Jack Russell Terrier, Romeo, out of a Staples shopping basket! Weight pulling is a greatRead more
Hank vs. Bicycle
Hank is a super-high energy dog and I always struggle with keeping up with him. Running with him is not an option for me, since my knees would not hold up. Vinny will occasionally Roller Blade with him (see an earlier post about it here), but I’m not solid on skates. My friend and fellowRead more
Hank vs. Crate
This post is meant to give hope and encouragement to those of you in the process of crate training your dog. I’ve had a handful of clients lately that have been frustrated and concerned about their dog in his crate. The process can be really challenging, especially when you’re dealing with an older dog thatRead more
Want to Teach Your Dog to Skateboard?
The Woof Report shared this blog and I wanted to share it too. Dr. Sophia Yin blogged about how to teach a dog to ride a skateboard. Not only does she give clear step by step instructions, but I love that her blog is called Leadership without Force. Check it out the skateboarding tips here.Read more
Dog + Yoga = Doga
I’ve been hearing about this “Doga” for a few years now. At a time when I was taking many yoga classes someone gave me a book about it. I thought it was cute, but did not take it seriously. I am now reconsidering my initial dismissal of Doga. There are actual group Doga classes thatRead more