It’s been a while since I’ve added a Hank vs…. post. I guess there are fewer and fewer “firsts” in his life now. However, Vinny and I have planned to take the holiday weekend off and get out of the city. We’re just taking a 3 day weekend in Connecticut. Simple, quick, easy trip. But we are bringing the dog. (dun dun dun-dun) His first vacation.
I have traveled with dogs a lot. Charleston and I took a week long road trip once covering Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Washington DC and everything in between. I took Magic on a week long vacation in Charleston, SC so I’m pretty comfortable traveling with my dogs.
Hank is another story, though. He is super active and immature. If he’s bored for a millisecond he’s sure to start chewing something I’d rather he didn’t. And here’s the kicker, I still don’t trust his housetraining. We will be staying in a hotel and I have to come up with a plan to keep him well behaved while we’re there.
Here’s the plan so far. We are leaving Thursday evening, so he is going to go to an extra day of daycare on Thursday. Weather permitting, I will run with him every morning (or late morning, it is vacation after all). If I can sneak him into the fitness room I’d love to get him trained to run a treadmill. I am packing all of the food puzzle toys we have and he will not eat out of a bowl once. I am in the process of investigating dog daycare in Mystic. If you know of any good daycares or dog runs, let me know!
What are your ideas for occupying a busy dog?

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