
Tasks to Avoid

Number one on my list of tasks to avoid is euthanizing my dog.

Here’s where I’m at with it: in my head I know it needs to be done. I know that I will never be ready so I just need to do it. However, I also have to make sure that I do it at a time when it will be ok for me to fall apart. No jobs, no responsibilities, no social events, nothing.

That goes for two of us. It’s hard enough between my schedule and Vinny’s schedule for us to pencil in something fun. Much less this. I also need to take my vet’s hours into consideration. It’s such a personal thing that I can’t possibly have anyone else do it for me. Dr. Vinitsky has been dealing with this right along side us.

Vinny has work and social functions this week. I have work and more work. Friday might be good, but I’m not sure Dr. Vinitsky is in on Friday. Saturday? What an awful weekend. I won’t be able to schedule any clients and I’ll still have to teach in classes on Sunday.

No matter when we end up doing it, it’s going to suck.

2 Responses to “Tasks to Avoid”

  1. Anonymous

    Anyway you could cancel your classes for the week/weekend? I’m sure everyone would understand if you had to reschedule. (PS–the video of Charleston in the crushed ice one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. What a wonderful family he has!)

  2. Rebecca

    I’m so sad that you guys are going through this. It’s not much comfort now, but you two have been the best pup parents and Charlie is realy lucky to have had you…and vice versa. There’s never a good time to say goodbye to someone you love. I know there’s not much I can do to aleviate some of your burden, but if you ever need anything at all I’m only a phone call & a train ride away. And I’m thinking of you guys….